Returns & Refunds

How to return ‏

We recommend you return your items using the packaging your order arrived in. If you're unable to do this, please find a suitable alternative. Make sure any PIERO boxes or cases that came with your order are also protected within your returns packaging. If you return your item without protecting the PIERO boxes or cases that came with your order, you may not receive your refund.

Booking your return is free and easy. Here's what you need to do:

Send us Whatsapp message to +97254544568 / email us (contact us page)

Find the order details you want to return - full name + tracking number + product picture

Write us reason of returning .

We recommend you ask the courier to scan your package when they collect your return. This will make sure your return is tracked.

Returns Policy

Returned items must comply with our returns policy:

* Items must be returned unworn, undamaged and unused, with all tags attached and the original packaging included.

* Footwear and accessories must be returned with the original branded boxes and dust bags, where provided, and placed inside a protective outer box for shipping.

* When trying on footwear, please take care not to mark the soles or damage the shoe box.

* If an item has a PIERO security tag or brand tag attached, it must be returned with the tag in its original position.

* Hosiery, lingerie and swimwear items must be returned with the hygiene seals attached and in unopened and undamaged product packaging, where applicable.

* Lingerie and swimwear must only be tried on over your own undergarments. We will not accept any returns that have been worn or are soiled.

* Jewelry must be returned in the same condition it arrived in, including all branded packaging and documents provided with it.

Please take care when trying on your purchases and return them in the same condition you received them. Any returns that do not meet our policy will not be accepted.

If you processed your order through guest checkout please contact our friendly Customer Service to start your return.